Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Special Meeting

I'm amazed that Special Meeting has come and gone already! We heard so many helpful things!

I thought the kids were so cute in their coordinating outfits!

Chloe trying to put her arm around Elijah, but he wasn't having it!

I forgot to mention-Not a good idea to show up 5 minutes before meeting starts! The only place with enough chairs for us to sit together was right up front behind the brother workers... Not exactly the best place for our little family to sit! Actually it wasn't all that bad, but Joe ended up going out with Elijah for quite a bit of meeting.


  1. Just Darling...I love their little outfits...and the arm around thing..yes, I so remember...the little ones get to that age and don't want it...ha ha. Give Chloe credit for trying though! =)

  2. Way too cute...Eli sure has a head of hair! Love the pics of your Bend trip too. Looks like you made the most of the change in plans!

  3. So sweet!!! The kidlets are looking so grown up!

  4. oh no! so funny (NOW that is- on the OTHER side of the experience- hee hee) about the lack of seats. i remember mom dressing us up in fancy special meeting outfits- they look awesome in their new stuff=)
