Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The People and the Costumes!!!

Did I mention there were kids.... yep- LOTS of them!

I think I count 12 in Chloe's room... is that legal? :)

They all seemed to be having a great time together!

I thought this was a very appropriate toy for Mia to be playing in!

It's always fun to see what people dress up as!

A cute ninja once you get his mask off!

Same goes for the swamp monster!!

Ready for the beach!

A Sweet little parrot!

Ursula and a beautiful mermaid!

Wow! Pretty scary up close!

The Nana gypsy holding little Bam Bam!

Hope and Change!

Oops... I guess that's a Nope!

A friendly pirate!

A few more!

Jimi came before the party was over!

Wilma Flintstone and Maverick from Top Gun!

I thought Wilma deserved a close up- Love the hair!

A beautiful princess!

Ref, cowgirl, and pirate friends!

Awesome Geisha!

A cute ladybug!

A witch and her friend!

Cute black cat!

You're never too old to have fun!

Watching the festivities!

The mermaids!

A sombrero wearing Papa and Gypsy Nana!

Welder, Witch and a beautiful flower!

Could he be any cuter?

Adorable little Pebbles!

The Archies! Betty, Archie, Reggie, and Veronica!

Some of the guys!

Pirate Family and their parrot!

Thanks to Cari and Margaret for some of the photos!!

Also, I missed a few really great costumes- such as Dora and Diego with their baby Jaguar and super hero kids! Maybe someone else got a photo...? Somehow I also missed getting Joe as prince Eric... I think Eve has one so I'll have to get it soon! :)


  1. Lots of great costumes!!! I really like your Ursula costume...and you don't look half bad with gray hair!!!

  2. definitely want to see prince eric! haha. you make the cutest ursula & she ain't supposed to be cute so kudos to you!! did you make it!? getting a kick out of "nope & change" - how very funny! i'm SUPER impressed by everyones efforts and wonderful costume choices. so much creativity- how fun=)
