Friday, November 06, 2009

October Cooking Club!

Lacy started a cooking club, so now once a month a group of us girls bring something we've cooked and our recipe to share and exchange with the rest of the group! It's such a fun way to get some girl time in, and it's always nice to get new recipes!

This month we met at Maria's

Thanks to Amanda for taking the picture!


  1. What a cool idea! I'm thinking we need something like that around here. All in the name of cooking of course!!

    Loved all your pictures. Fall is such a fun time with kids. Wish we could hang out with you and yours!

  2. We used to do that in North was always fun and the food good of course!

  3. so i'll host anytime shana... ANYTIME... it would just be a quick little drive i promise......

  4. What fun...I would love to have "recipe exchange night" around here...I mean who doesn't love to eat!!!
