Monday, November 23, 2009

1/2 Marathon!

Two weekends ago I ran/walked a half marathon with Wendy P. and my sister Nicole! I had agreed to do this a long time ago and somehow never found the time to "train," (I use that word very loosely since what I do is never really "training" more like not sitting around every day!) so this was a little bit of a shock to my system!! Especially since Wendy did quite a bit of running!! She set the pace for us and I was impressed!! :)

Here we are right before the start!

And we're off... Like a herd of turtles!!

I made them stop along the trail so I could take a picture!

Wendy took one of me and Nicole too!

Here comes Callie!! She was doing the full Marathon! Passing us after already running over 16 miles!!

I wanted to get a shot of everyone running!

And here we are finishing!

Becky was at the finish!!

The whole group!

Nicole, Me, Danay, Lana, Jim, Amber, Callie, Warren, Dylan, and Wendy

P.S. Thanks to Bob and Dana for several of the photos!!


  1. Wow! I'm super impressed and especially seeing that picture of you coming to the finish and all 3 of you have a SMILE on your faces. Thats amazing. Especially you not having done a lot of preparation!!! (How can you with two little ones and keeping up the house, etc.? :-) Nicole didn't have a number on...or was it on her back? Were you happy with your times? Our neighbor lady (the woman who did the 30-mile relay with me) she runs marathons and so her husband surprised her with a vanity license plate that says: "I did 26"
    Congratulations to you and Nicole. Wendy doesn't look too young doing a half...that's great!

  2. super impressive missy! i did a 5k once. & that was the end of that. lol, so major props for getting out there & doing it!
