Friday, November 20, 2009

Baking Cookies!

Ever since Special meetings I have been craving peanut butter cookies with the Hershey's kiss on top... Katie R. had made some for their lunch, and they were nice enough to share, but apparently I needed more!

So... I got a bag of Betty Crocker cookie mix and started mixing!

Chloe loves to help me bake... She helped peel
all the Hershey Kisses and only sampled a few
along the way!

Her favorite part was putting the kisses on top!

Here she is clapping for herself!
I told her that she was practically an expert and she went running into the laundry room saying she needed her apron!!

I guess that's what experts wear!

This little guy was begging for handouts the entire time... who can resist that?


  1. Yum! I think I will bake those this weekend! It is so fun to bake with those little helpers!

  2. Cute pictures...Malia and I were just talking about baking Christmas cookies and that is ONE of the one's Malia wants us to make is the peanut-butter with hershey kisses. Oh yum, can hardly wait!
