Thursday, October 04, 2007

I'm Quite the Handy Ma'm

Since Joe was gone hunting, I spent several evenings being quite handy (IMHO).

I went to IKEA with Kyra and Marya and
bought this bathroom cabinet. It came in
a flat box (as all IKEA stuff does) with a 20
page instruction manual! Let's just say that
this one took me more than one evening!!!
Looks good now, though! :)

I copied Juan and Cari and bought some
lights for our bookshelves... They have to
be screwed into place too! I didn't know that
when I bought them... I might have thought
a little longer about buying them if I had known!
I love them now that they're up, though! :)

We don't have blinds on our sliding glass door, so I bought
some curtains so that at least I can't see the boogie man
in our backyard!!! Weird as it sounds I felt so much better
with these up and closed when Joe was gone!!! :)


  1. You go girl!
    I love the sailor dress and red shoes, SO cute!
    Wow, the water at the cabin is sure low... amazing from what I remember.
    Fun to chat today :).
    Oh, I did get a photo of the auto repair place with the 3 little dogs on the roof... I will have to post it soon on our blog (i hope you can see the dogs in it).

  2. you ARE handy. I think I would have just left them piled in the corner until Joe came home! You're a credit to our gender!

  3. I'd call you Handy Andy if you were a guy named Andy but since you're not I'll just say Go Girl!!!

    I totally get the boogey man thing. Now that I have blinds on my kitchen window I am a less spooked lady at night. ;)

  4. IMPRESSIVE my dear!! Make to keep busy and productive! Productive- quite impressive with a little Chloe around! :) Fun to see your home projects!!

  5. When Rob's gone I read Dean Koontz!!! Well, I used to, now I fall asleep if I start reading in bed...I need to be cleaning a closet than I'll stay up until 4 a.m.!!!

    I like your white bathroom cabinet. It looks great!! Gives you a sense of accomplishment to do it all by yourself...

    When are you guys coming up? I keep forgetting to ask.

    Hope Chloe starts feeling better.

    Love, Mommazee/grammyzee
