Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cleaning, Organizing, and Crossing

Well, it's officially Tuesday, but this is when I have time to write, although I should be sleeping. I'm getting into the bad habit of staying up w-a-y too late, which doesn't help with the whole lack of sleep due to baby thing! Anyway, I've mostly been cleaning the house today so my three things all have to do with that!

1.) A clean kitchen at the end of the day. Somehow when the kitchen is clean it makes the whole house feel clean, even if it's not.

2.) An organized desk. I didn't actually get the computer desk organized (which would truly be a beautiful thing!), but I have another desk in a different room that still had boxes I hadn't unpacked, so it is this desk that I organized. I love organizing things... I think I'm a little OCD at times, but only about weird little things, so it's okay!

3.) Crossing things off my list! I think the reason I love doing that so much is I feel like I actually accomplished something that day.

That's all folks! I know my faithful reader (notice it's singular... Thanks Mom!) doesn't mind reading my idle clatter! (no, I didn't misspell chatter, you see, I'm not talking, I'm typing!)


  1. I can't agree more with the list-of-things-accomplished-crossed off bit. Sometimes I just don't think we have any idea what we have accomplished unless it's on paper. I'm going to write down little teeny things like, continue breathing, just so I have something to account for my time! love your blog!!!

  2. Yea! Someone other than my mom reads this thing, although I'm okay with that too! I totally agree with you LCS about writing down little things, in fact sometimes I'll go back and fake my list just so I have something to cross off, and as an added benefit I can see what it is exactly that fills up my days!! What a cheater I am!!!

  3. Sticky notes are my best friend I have them all over my desk, computer and weekly plan book at school and on the counter, cupboards and mirrors at home. I love throwing one away since that means I get to write on a new one.
