Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Handsome Little Man!

We made it to Idaho Saturday night after a relatively painless 10.5 hour drive.  The kids do really great in the car-even Sammy and he was the one I was worried about since he is still in his infant carrier facing backwards!  We went to Sunday Morning Meeting and then headed up to the cabin, but just before we left I wanted to snap a few pictures of Sammy in his adorable little suit that Grammy got for him!! I changed him right after these pictures in case you were wondering if I took him to the lake dressed like this!

Big Smiles!

Toothy Grin!

I love those BeAuTiFuL BROWN eyes!!
He is at a really hard age to take pictures of right now because all he wants to do is either grab the camera or crawl away!!


  1. How is he SO big already?
    And so incredibly cute!

  2. Darling, darling, darling! Expecting cabin pictures soon! And Steens camping next!!
