Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chloe Starts Kindergarten!!

I am interrupting the cabin posts to write about Chloe starting kindergarten!! Yesterday was her first day, but it was also the day where she started late and we (parents) got to stay the whole time... So today was the first real day!  I'll start with yesterday- it was so fun! She woke up SOOO excited and had picked out her clothes (with my help of course!) and jumped right into them!  We skyped Grammy and got to talk to her and Nicole before going to school, and then Nana came over to watch the boys, so Chloe had encouragement and excitement from all fronts!!
I am a Kindergartener!!

Little brother's not so sure about his big sis going off and leaving him each day!!

So cute!

Me and my kindergartener and little brother too!

Daddy and Chloe on the way to school!

She's such a big girl!

We found her room- Room 8!

The teacher rang the bell and all the kids shuffled into line... Here she looks a little worried and nervous!!

Little school girl!

In line with all the parents snapping away!!
Before going into the classroom the teacher told the kids to find their name at one of the tables and that there were some crayons and a picture for the kids to start coloring.  It was kind of amazing how quiet the room was- I don't think I've ever seen a room filled with that many 5 year olds so quiet!! I think they all must have been very nervous and wanting to be good!!

Very studiously coloring her picture!!

Chloe's table

Roll call!!

We got to do a little project together.

She is going to LOVE this part of kindergarten! Projects, projects, projects!!

Chloe and Mrs. Reed

Checking out the playground after we were done!!

When we got home I asked Chloe what was her favorite part of kindergarten and she said "All of it!!" 

Today was the full day, and it went just fine too! A little early for all of us, since school starts at 8:00 but we got there just in time for Chloe to go get in line and she started walking off without giving me a hug, so I called her back and got my hug!! Then as she walked into her class she just looked over her shoulder and says, "Bye Mom!" Like it's no big deal!! I have to say, I thought it would be a little harder to leave her, but I barely teared up!! I think it's because I know she is so ready for school and this is just a part of growing up!! Happy learning my little school girl!!


  1. what a strong mom! Congrats Chloe!

  2. Such a cute post! Darling pictures of Chloe on her first day of school!

  3. I love these pictures! It is so neat that she is a little kindergartener now!!

  4. Wow, how fast time flies! She is so adorable!

  5. Hi Shana, you probably don't know it but I look at your blog often. I love it! It is so nice to feel like I know you and your little family because of your excellent blogs. Some time I hope that you and your 2nd cousin Rebekah can get together. Your Chloes seem so similar. Both are darling little characters. Love, Laura Lynne

  6. Love these pictures Shana...they're great. Kindergarten is sooooooo much fun. I have been on and off the computer so much this summer with travelling....at Daniel's apartment now for a few days :) Hope to see you on our way down to AZ if it works out. I'll give you a call :) :) Love Auntie Pam

  7. Awwww... love this. Such cute photos of one excited chick- it's so sweet to hear how supported and loved she is. That is a wonderful thing. I remember taking Evan to her first day (the little one I nannied) and I teared up- I can only imagine how it would feel for my own child! Good on you for thinking about her own excitement above anything else! (anna)
