Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Cabin Trip: Part I

I have about 1,200 pictures from our trip, so as you can imagine it has taken me a while to go through them and I figured I would save everyone (and by everyone I mean all three of you that read my blog- hi Mom, Aunt Pam and Anna!) from an E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y long post and hopefully it would break it up for me and make it a little more manageable!  Anyway, here is the first of several posts about our cabin/river house trip!  As a side note- not all the pictures were taken by me (thank you Mom and Becky for sharing your photos!)

I do believe this is my favorite lake!!

And when the water is high, like it was this year it only adds to my love!

I can't even remember the last time I've been to the lake and seen the water this close to the glory hole!

We have found that the kids want to be in any boat but ours!! Riding up to the cabin in Grandpa and Grammy's boat with Auntie Cole!

So happy to be on our way up to the lake!

Driving with Grandpa!

Grizz was there too!

Sweet boy sitting with Auntie on the porch swing!

The kids discovered the joy of The Archies while we were at the cabin, and have since been "reading" them every night before they go to sleep!!

I just love this picture!!

Look at that amazing water!!

Who doesn't wake up happy at the lake?

The first full day there we took a picnic lunch to the honeycombs!  While we were there Chloe got a hold of the camera, so the next few are her photos!

Nice picture, Chloe!


Relaxing after lunch!

The sweet photographer!

Sammy got a hold of a hotdog...

And was NOT happy to have it taken away!!

Nap time!! Oh, did you think I meant for the kids?

Grammy and Sammy going for a walk with Grizzly!

Chloe wanted to try wakeboarding!! She was not successful, but I was proud of her for trying!

She told us that she would try next year when she was 6!!

Me and my sweet Sammy boy!

Me and my boys!

Elijah loved being the flag boy!

Elijah was so tired he slept down there for over an hour!!

More comic book reading!

The best cook around!!

The perfect way to end a day!!




  1. Hey.... I read these too..:) love these pics and need to see more. Al though your mom always looks so good and is a good cook she is a liitle intimidating... :)

  2. Gotta love lake Owyhee! You look so beautiful with your glasses and hat.... like a southern bella! Looks like fun!

  3. My favorite lake, too!! I dream of that "glass" when we are at Round Butte & there are rollers & 3 ft. waves!! Fun pictures that bring back fun times at the cabin!

  4. Oh for pity sakes, Eve! Moi, intimidating??! I'm "milk toast," as you would say...love that saying, btw!!

  5. Apparently I need to add lake Owyhee to mine and Brian's list of "places to visit!" Always looks like so much fun!
    -Mari Sue

  6. I read your blog too!! Love it!!

  7. Oops, that last anonymous comment was me (Rebekah Baysinger) It's not letting me post with my google account =(

  8. Beautiful pictures of the lake and cabin. So lucky you have such a neat spot to go to. Great memories for the kids. Our kids loved the Archie Comic Books too :) (I still have the collection, ha ha). Thanks for sharing your fun memories and some pictures of my sissy. Love, Auntie Pam

  9. Yes i totally do keep up Shana- sometimes i'm slow in checking in, sorry:( I love your blog- looks like another cabin trip!!!!! (anna)
