Friday, November 02, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Halloween was a lot of fun for Chloe this year. She loves going outside anyway, so this is a great excuse for her to get to stay out past dark! She was a pink poodle, and is just about the cutest little puppy you'll ever see! We didn't do too much actual trick or treating. We mostly went to people's houses we know, but next year I'm sure she'll want to go for longer!

Bampa (as Chloe says) and Chloe

Joe, Chloe, and Grandpa

What's a puppy without a chew toy?

I had to get a shot of her tail! :)

Me and Cari about to head out with the girls!

All strapped in and ready to go

Chloe's little jack-o-lantern

Joe's haunted Castle

My Beware pumpkin


  1. ADORABLE! Chloe is the cutest little poodle EVER! And good job on the pumpkin carvings! Impressive.

  2. That is the cutest outfit. What a cute puppy!

  3. Love the pink poodle costume. Very cute!

  4. I bet she got a ton of candy, the little cutie:)
