Friday, November 16, 2007

Lunch with the girls!

Last Thursday Chloe and I went over to Edie's for a delicious lunch and an afternoon of fun!
We knew the workers were going to be there, but seeing Stacy and Shawna was an extra surprise!

All us girls!

We'll spare you the details of Chloe knocking over a whole shelf of knick knacks and breaking a few!!! Thankfully Edie was very gracious about it!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Oh!!! Hopefully they weren't Hummel figurines...that happened once when I was at a neat old ladies house (my middle name's namesake). I didn't do it but one of the other guests backed into the shelf and it all came tumbling down...and several were broken. It's pretty hard to get mad at such a sweet and adorable little girls, though!!!
