Friday, November 16, 2007

My little book worm!

Since Chloe was appropriately attired, I figured I'd take pictures of her doing her book worm thing! You'll notice books strewn all around her, which is generally how her room looks! I'm not sure if she gets more enjoyment our of reading the books or pulling them off of the shelves!

Getting ready to read a good book!

It's hard work getting the book you want off the shelf!

Starting on another one!

Just playin' around now!

Books are fun, but so are baskets!

Do ya think I can fit, Mom?

Nope, so I'll just sit on it instead!


  1. LOVE the close-up of her laughing! So cute:)

  2. What cute pictures. I'm so glad she loves books...she's certainly taking after her grammy and mommy!!! I can't wait to see you all next week. Thanks for posting.

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  4. She's so adorable....and yep, deffinetly like her mommy if she is a book worm:) I can just picture you curled up with a good book and a bag of saltines!
