Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Chloe!!!

My baby girl is one today and I can hardly believe how fast the year has gone! She is one of the most wonderful things to have happen in my life and I can't imagine my life without her now that she is a part of it! Each day brings some new wonder and it's nice to see the world through a child's eyes every once in a while! I'm such a lucky Mama to have a sweet little girl like Chloe! Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!

From this:

To this:

We went to the park after dinner for a little fun!

Auntie Alyssa and Uncle Jimmy met us there!

"Helping" get the ball!

Uncle Jimmy flying over Chloe! :)


  1. Happy Birthday! Long live the princess!! :)

    Such cute pictures!

  2. Isn't it amazing to look at the newborn pictures and then the pictures of them now...It still amazes me to think how much Abigail and all the other little ones born this last year have changed.

  3. Aww! Happy Belated Birthday Chloe! Time flies...and she is so BIG!!!

  4. I thought of her all day. She has totally brought a light to our lives too. We just couldn't love her more. Happy Birthday precious girl. Grandpa and Nana
