Monday, July 02, 2007

Camanche trip!

Since the 4th of July is in the middle of the week, last weekend we went up to Camanche for our annual trip to the lake with Joe's family!

Nanna and her grand-girlies!!! :)

Joe and Juan playing Yahtzee

Scarlett all ready for her first boat ride!

Joe and Chloe riding in the boat.

Scarlett and Chloe all ready for meeting!

The Grandparents and the Girls!

A family picture


  1. What a fun bunch of pictures. Chloe is looking mighty tan. ;)

  2. Great pictures! I love the one of Chloe with needed boating attire: scarf, life vest, and pacifier! (or whatever she calls it) :)

  3. That was soooo much fun spending 2 whole days with my grand-girlies. Chloe was quite the fashion statement with her doo-rag.

  4. It was a lotta fun! I think the girls got to know eachother a little better! Gina's right, Chloe is tan...tanner than me, which is just sad!
