Saturday, September 03, 2011

Cabin Trip Part II

Well, it's only going to have taken me a month to finish this post, but I guess the important thing is that I do eventually get it done, so hopefully memories are preserved!! :)
Love that smile!

Riding in Uncle Bryan's boat up to the hot springs!

This is why the cuddy in Mom and Dad's boat is so great with the little ones!! The bouncing of the boat just knocks em' right out!

Making noise with his lips for Grandpa!

Just a really great picture of Grandpa and Sammy!

Love that cute little diapered bottom and chubby thighs!! And if you haven't seen this commercial for the Huggies Jean diapers... Well, you really should, it's pretty funny!!
See, even Sammy thinks it's funny!!

He is such a little stinker and gets into everything as fast as he can!!

Pots and pans: found!

One last close up of those sweet chubby baby legs!

This is what happens after a hard day of play!

Both kids zonked out during our little Bible study!

Ice cream is a luxury up here!!

The infamous outhouse!

We were so happy to see Becky!

Snuggling right up!

The kids thought they were so big going out on the paddle boat with Kobi!!

Notice the extra safety measures: both water wings and a life jacket!

Helping wash Grandpa and Grammy's boat!

Scrub, scrub, scrub!

Many hands make light work!

Paddle boating with cousin Kobi!

Sweet Sammy's typical reaction when the camera comes out!!

More sweet smiles from little boy!

We made it to the hot springs, but didn't stay long enough to enjoy the main pool.  Bryan and some others went back the next night!

Nice warm water!

A boatload back to the cabin!

Auntie Nicole with the kids on the paddle boat... They were on that thing as often as possible!

Kobi and Chloe ready for a ride!

What a star!

My Mama getting it done... New knee and all!!!

Auntie Brynna flying high!

This boy loves a good boat ride!

Auntie and her Mini-me!

A coveted job among the young folks!

Daddy's getting ready to go!

Having fun out on the water!

Chloe's favorite method of helping people into the water!

So fun!!

Ice cream twice? Oh yeah!!

Bryan's special brew!!

Kobi and Chloe going for another ride!

Kobi gets a little bored going with Chloe, but he's a good sport about it!

Loving the boat!

Getting braver!!

Lookin' cool!

Kobi wakeboarding!

Bryan flipping out!

The spectators!

Auntie Nicole... And yes, she landed it!!

Bryan ripping it up!

Sweet Sammy sleeping in one morning

So tired... On our way out!

The best boat driver around!

Sleeping Beauty!

The rest of our trip coming soon... Or maybe later!!


  1. Oh wow, it was fun seeing all the new pictures of the lake and on the water and how much fun the kids had (and you guys too :). When you have a boat, and good water, it doesn't take much more than neat your kiddos will have the great memories to grow up with. Always love your blog...keep up all the great pictures.

  2. Gorgeous photos, Shana!
    The kids get cuter every day and you couldn't be more beautiful. :)

  3. Oh wow! These bring back fun memories with the kidlets!! Love all your pictures & the posts. And I'll agree with Nichole, the kids do get cuter every day!! : )

  4. You are doing a great job preserving the memories Shana!! & looking gorgeous while doing it- you're one hawt mama!!!:) Sammy sleeping the morning? Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping child?! Love remember thinking about my own boat naps as a kid... or just a great place to snuggle up with a book on the water underneath the bow. Yup- good days. Hot springs!? Sign me up- we need to get in on this action someday-- you're selling it hardcore, and i'm in need of a good old lake day:) (anna)
