Monday, September 07, 2009

Another Camanche Trip

We headed up to Camanche on Thursday night so we could spend a couple of nights at the lake.

Here is Joe relaxing with his cute little boy!

Juan and sweet little Savannah

Chloe and Scarlett having fun before bedtime!

Reading books together

Eli having fun getting stuck in Savannah's Bumbo

Uncle Juan took both girls tubing- here he is with Scarlett!

And now he's with Chloe


Chloe loved jumping off of the tube!

Jumping to Daddy!

Scarlett loved playing in the boat and holding the flag!

Here is Eli watching the girls swim

La la la la, la la la la, Elmo's world!

Little Surfer boy look!

Cari and her sweet little Savannah!

Always a hungry boy!

What a cute little boater!

Nicole doing a little wakeboarding on her birthday!

What a cutie!

And another!!

And another!!!

Fun times on the boat!

Juan's turn!

Me next!

Not sure how he did it, but he's sleeping like this!

Chloe tickling Eli's feet

Woo Hoo Nicole!!

Had to put this one on! Love the expression, Nicole!
This was just after she had asked if she made any funny
expressions when she wakeboarded... I think, maybe you do!

Happy 22nd Birthday Nicole!!

Blowing out the candles...

with a little help from Scarlett!

The twins just enjoyed a cupcake!

Cute little Mia

I thought this was hilarious!!
Unfortunately for Scarlett the cap
was still on!!!

Elijah was SOOO tired!

Luke, Jim, Alyssa, and Mia

Cari, Juan and Savannah

Elijah and Mia playing around in the boat!


  1. Fun times at the Lake! Bye Bye summer :-( I love the pictures you took!

  2. ok, it's been confirmed. you've been voted "cutest boating family in america" it's kinda riduculous actually- nobody is supposed to rock life jackets & look good doin' it- but then there is the burgs...=) hee hee, i'm kidding. (but not really!) i love that your kids have grown up on the water- their comfort & fearlessness is so evident. it's awesome! thanks for sharing the sweet memories=)

  3. i meant to say: happy *belated* birthday nicole! super impressed with the wakeboarding skills. i'm sure it's sinful to admit: i have never even tried wakeboarding. =/ i know i know.
