Thursday, September 13, 2007

Labor Day at Lake Camanche

We went to Camanche for a relaxing Labor Day. We had a great time out on the boat and hanging out in the cabin.
Sitting in the toy box is almost as much fun as playing with the toys!

Jim and Alyssa relax on the porch!

Scarlett sucking on some cantaloupe!

She even cleans up her own mess!

Chowing down on corn on the cob!

I thought I'd take a quick poll for Juan... He seems to think that you look much "cooler" in pictures if you aren't actually looking at the camera, so here are two of the same picture (basically). You decide which one you like better!!! :)

We'll call this one picture A

We'll call this one picture B

Hanging out in the water!!!


  1. Hmmm...I have to go with exhibit B.

  2. I'm proud that Scarlett is so efficient. And I have to go with B, as well, but you know he's going to insist it's A!!

  3. I definitley like Exhibit 'A' best but I'd much rather not show my 'Bentz nose' at it's best advantage!!! Plus, Juan doesn't look as natural...maybe if you caught him unaware...

    Can't wait to see you and Chloe at the cabin on's been way too long. Bring a coat for Chloe. Our paper says it's supposed to cool down to the 60's and up to 70 by Thurs., so I hope it is 5-10 degrees hotter over there like it usually is...I guess you can call Brynna to find out what the weather forcast is for Thursday-Sunday. Have a great day! Love, Mommazee/grammyzee:):):)

  4. What? What happened??? The pictures switched on me...I like the Exhibit that shows Juan facing the camera...whatever that one is!!! Your silly mommazee:):):)

  5. I too like the one of Juan looking at the camere!

  6. You stink. Picture A is a bad example of the "look away to seem cooler" theory. I was sabotaged. JUAN

  7. Any time you want to retry your theory I'm willing to take pictures and post em'!!! :) I don't think the results will change though!
