Monday, September 24, 2007

Babies on Both Sides!!!

This is a LONG overdue post, and I'm sure most people know, but both Sean & Kyra and Jim & Alyssa are expecting! We are so happy and excited for all of them and can't wait for February!

We got this in the mail a few weeks ago!

I don't have an ultrasound photo from Jim & Alyssa, but if I did there would be two little babies in there!!! That's right, twins!!! :)


  1. I'd heard about S & K but how triply fun with J & A news. Babies Babies Babies

  2. Great news, and now we know it's a BOY!!! I'm going to love being so close. We miss so much being so far away...Chole is changing so quickly...

    Love, mommazee/grammyzee
