You're Adventures of Huckleberry Finn!
by Mark Twain
With an affinity for floating down the river, you see things in black
and white. The world is strange and new to you and the more you learn about it, the less
it makes sense. You probably speak with an accent and others have a hard time
understanding you and an even harder time taking you seriously. Nevertheless, your
adventurous spirit is admirable. You really like straw hats.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Check out my novel!
There is a whole lotta stealing going on! I stole this from a blog I read often, who stole it from a blog she reads often... You get the picture! It was quick and kinda fun!
Tea Time again!
Before Nicole and Brynna left we decided to go have tea again! This time Cari and Alyssa were able to join us, which was especially fun! We tried out a different tea place. This one was downtown, which was nice because it was much closer! The tea was great and the food was good, although I have to say that the food is better at An Afternoon to Remember. It was a lot of fun to pick out our tea cup and hat. What a fun day! As a little side note, Chloe spent the afternoon with all of her aunts but one! We missed you Kyra! :) 

Friday, December 22, 2006
A Baking Binge
When Nicole and Brynna were here we decided to do a bunch of baking. With each of us working on something it went really quickly! We made Texas brownies, Almond Rocha, Caramels, Peanut Butter Balls, and Sugar Cookies! There is something so fun about cooking for the holidays! We cranked up the Christmas music on the radio and baked the day away!
Nicole and Brynna wrapping up the caramels... You start out with a little pan, but it keeps on growing until you end up with a pile of Caramel!
Brynna frosting the Texas Brownies!
Nicole and Brynna wrapping up the caramels... You start out with a little pan, but it keeps on growing until you end up with a pile of Caramel!

Christmas Picture!
I had planned on getting "real" family pictures done, since we still haven't had any taken since Chloe has been born (which is going on six months here really soon!) but somehow we just never got in to do it! It could have something to do with the fact that I practically have to tie Joe up and drag him into the picture place! So anyway, we just borrowed a tripod and took the picture ourselves. This is what we ended up with! And let me tell you, this was a fun little evening! We had to take about 500 pictures before there was one of us all looking halfway decent! It's really interesting trying to make a five and a half month old smile and look at the camera, and then look at the camera yourself all before the little red light stops flashing and the picture snaps!!! 

Rachael and Chloe
Last week I went to an end of the semester potluck at the writing center where I had worked last semester. I hadn't seen most of the people there since I have had Chloe so it was fun to see everyone and of course to show them how sweet Chloe is! This is a picture of my good friend Rachael with Chloe!!! 

My little sister can't really be 18!!!
It's true! My baby sister is officially an adult!!! It doesn't seem like all that long ago we were calling her Tooter Fruiters, (don't ask me why, I really don't know!) but now she has finished her first semester of college! Wow, time flies! Both Nicole and Brynna are on Winter break so they decided to take a little trip to see us! We had a little birthday party for Brynna on Monday night with Jim & Alyssa, and Darren & Maria. These are the only pictures I took the whole evening!
Look at all those candles... Nice work blowing them out! :)
Chloe and the Birthday girl!

Thursday, December 21, 2006
These are for you, GrammyZee!!!
Getting into the holiday spirit
Her newest facial expression! The crinkle nose look!!! It has a very cute snuffling sound that accompanies!
Just me and my little sweetheart!
Joe calls this her baker hat!
Such a happy Sunday morning girl!
Looking quite chubby!
My little Diaper Diva!
Love those buns! Thighs too! :)

My little kangaroo!
If anyone is still searching for the perfect baby carrier- this is it! I'm not exaggerating when I say that I have five different baby carriers and this one is by far my absolute favorite! Now, I have to put a little disclaimer on here and tell you that I haven't tried the baby bijorn, but I also know that it is a bit pricey. This lovely wrap is worth all $35.00 that I spent on it! It is really easy to use, comfortable, and most important- Chloe loves it!!! 

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Walking with Nana!
Most mornings Chloe and I go for a walk. I would like to say every morning, but that just wouldn't be true!!! Anyway, the best part about going for our walks in the morning is that Nana usually comes over, and then we meet up with Auntie Alyssa!!! Lately it's been a little chilly in the morning so I've been putting a hat and mittens on Chloe and covering her up with her blanket... I'm afraid Chloe got my tendency to be cold all the time, so I tend to bundle her up! Good thing we don't live somewhere that actually gets cold!!! Today as we were walking along and gabbing away as usual, I looked down and saw that she didn't have her little mittens on. I looked all over in her stroller and couldn't find them anywhere! My little wiggle worm had managed to lose both her mittens without me noticing! When we finished our walk Nana said that on her way home she'd drive our loop and look for the mittens, and what do you know, she found both of them!!! Thanks Nana!!!
Getting ready to go for our morning walk with Nana!!!

Every girl needs a pair of red shoes!
A bunch of Bend Babies!!!
When we are in Bend there is no lack of babies in meeting!!! Such a bunch of cuties!
Zachary5mo., Cole 2, Soren 9mo., and Chloe 5mo.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Ha! I knew it wasn't my fault!!!
Well, I didn't actually *know* it wasn't my fault, but I was pretty sure! So, I did exactly what I had been doing for the better part of a day and it worked on the first try... That is, I was able to put the books I've been reading and the links to them on my blog! Yea!!! Not that anyone cares but me, but hey isn't there a part of this whole blogging thing that is kind of selfish anyway?!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Why I hate Blogger!
I'm sure it's something that I'm not doing right, but right now I REALLY hate Blogger!!! I'm trying to update the book I'm reading section and whenever I try and save it, it does absolutely nothing! It doesn't save, it doesn't do anything, and then I thought maybe I'll start over so I deleted it and it was more than happy to do that! So, go figure! Sorry for this rant, it probably doesn't even make sense, but I've already wasted so much time on here already that at least I'll feel a little better letting you all know my Blogger woes!!!
Personality Test!
My Personality
Neuroticism | 24 |
Extraversion | 57 |
Openness To Experience | 32 |
Agreeableness | 62 |
Conscientiousness | 56 |
Find your soulmate / pysch twin Ugg Boots, MySpace Quizzes and Online Survey Software by Pulseware Survey Software |
Thanks for the link Malia. Fun stuff! :)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Thanksgiving... Get ready for too many pictures!!!
The pictures are in a sort of reverse order and I do not know how to arrange the pictures once they have been uploaded... Anyone know how to do this??? Anyway, we went to Boise this year for Thanksgiving with my Dad's side of the family. We stayed at Bryan and Lana's house and had a great time catching up with them! We really need to see them more often!!! Thanksgiving was held at the very fancy house my Uncle Ted and Aunt Mari are building. It's a good thing the house was so large since there were over thirty people there!!! We were only missing Eric and his family, Sean and Kyra, and Tom and Shanna. We missed them, but it was so much fun to see everyone that could make it! Nothing like a huge meal to bring everyone together!! Everyone went all out cooking up a storm so there was a gynormous amount of food, then games, and us girls even had a foot spa set up for us by Lana! As usual, it's always a good time hanging out with family!!!
Here is Chloe getting her first spa treatment!!!
My three lovely aunts!
Chloe and her 2nd cousin Spencer!

Nelson and Chloe hamming it up!

Chloe and her Daddy!
Todd and Crystal
Family picture!

I love Chloe in this picture!!! Try and ignore me! :)

The girls in the foot spa!
The Great Grandparents!!!
Grandma and Grandpa with Chloe!
Getting ready to eat!!
The Waldo family + Rachael
Benji, Kyla, and sweet baby Keaton!!!

The Thanksgiving tables!!!
Jill and Justin playing checkers!
Me and Grandma...somehow I always end up looking like a giant!

Bryan and Todd playing pool!

All the food!!!

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