Friday, November 18, 2011

What our August Looked Like!

Well after about three days of uploading ALL the pictures I am finally ready to post about August!  So at least we are getting somewhere, although I have to say, even though it is a ton of pictures I sure wish Blogger would figure out a faster, better, easier way to upload pictures!! Facebook, and Pinterest are easy breezy, but go to upload a bunch of pictures on Blogger and you had better plan on being on/around your computer for the better part of a day!! UGH!  Maybe I'm doing something wrong... In that case please feel free to enlighten me!! 

I'll start with soccer... The kids played their last game in August and that was the game that Chloe really "got it!!"  She was after that ball and was determined to score!! It was so fun to see.

Here she is trying to score!

I love these action shots!

Having fun

On the run!

Here come little brother and Levi!

Eli's second from the right.

More action!

Hair flying

She looks like she knows what she's doing!

Oops, out of bounds!

Going for the goal!

Here she is so happy because she helped score the goal... I think she though she had scored by herself, but it was actually just an assist... Not that she cared!! :) 

Cupcakes and a pizza party afterwards was the highlight of the season!

A big cheeser from Levi!

Chowing down on pizza!

Eli getting his trophy from Coach Holly

Chloe getting hers

So proud of her first trophy!

Riding together in the little car!

Sammy loves the wagon

Sammy was still not walking at this point, so he didn't get to go outside as often as he would like!  When I did let him crawl around outside he would put anything and everything into his mouth! Gross!

Chloe's pretty good on her roller skates as long as she's on the carpet! :)

Eli's still working on it!

I forced my family to eat dinner outside because I thought it would be fun...

But the 90 degree temperature...

and the tons of flies made the dining experience a little bit of a flop!

The kids didn't seem to mind in the least!

Joe didn't stick around for long though!

Zucchini bread for dessert!


Sweet smiles!

These pictures make me miss summertime!

I love basil!

I love those buds about to burst into bloom on the top of the crape myrtle!

We roasted s'mores one night

We met Mom and Dad for a camping trip in Eastern Oregon where the antelope play!

Eli helping Grandpa get the four-wheelers off the trailer

Taking the fun way up to the camping spot!  Eli decided to get out of the truck on his own and went flying on his face giving himself a bloody nose in case you're wondering what that white thing is hanging out of his nose! It was his first and he was a bit freaked out by all the blood at first, but a ride on the 4-wheeler cheered him right up!

So fun!

Sam taking his nap!


Dirt and a stick is all a boy really needs!

The sky was so blue!

Down at the creek

They were being so sweet!

They loved playing in the creek!

But the water was reeeeally cold!!

Chloe didn't mind though!

Sammy having a snack!

What a cutie!

These pictures got a little out of order... Here are all the kids clothes hanging up to dry!

Finding pretty rocks in the creek!

More playing

I took Sammy down to check it out too!

This time we put the kids in their bathing suits!

Playing near the little waterfall

Grammy brought Otter Pops down for everyone!

Sammy enjoying some of mine!

Brrrrr! Now it's cold!

Good down to the last drop!

We loved the pack n' play especially since Sammy was still not walking!

Another picture out of order... This is the creek again at another spot!

Sammy sacked out!

What a couple of cuties!

Love this boy!

And this one too!! He was so tired he couldn't even finish his dinner!

Helping Grandpa fix the 4-wheeler

Cups, creek, and rocks!!

Crossing the creek!

They could have played here all day... In fact they didn't want to leave!!

My cute Mama!

Looking at the moon through the spotting scope!

So cute... And the full moon looks amazing through that scope!

Pumpkin pie for dessert!

Our little camp

Elijah waking up/snuggling with Auntie Nicole!

I love this picture of Sammy!

Our of order again... But Auntie Nicole and the kids!

Me with Chloe and Elijah and Grizzly too!

Another nap!!

On our way out... You can't really tell but Chloe was practically sleeping on Mom and this was after I had already got Eli off of Nicole's 4-wheeler since he had totally conked out!!

Back at home was Chloe's first day of school... Which I already posted about here

So sweet!

And that was our August!! Up next September...


  1. Enjoyed all the are one fun family! Jil

  2. Loved all of the pictures! It makes me wish for summer again!! We had three inches of snow yesterday & it's getting down in the teens!!

  3. Looks like a fun month! Love the roller skates!

  4. Great pictures always, its fun to see your "adventures" :) Looks like you had a fun August! Summer is always fun because you can do so many outdoor adventures! loved the soccer pictures and your camping pictures! You had a right nice came set-up with your folks and it looked like the kids had a ball!
