Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Baby in the Family!

Well, I've been working on my August post, but before I do that I would like to welcome the newest little baby to the family!  Adeline Grace Ziniker born on November 13 at 2:45pm weighing 6 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long!  Can't wait to meet her!!


  1. I drove over to Sean & Kyra's & met sweet Adeline today! Well, actually a few hours ago. She's a real little cutie!! I spent a few hours, found a Burgerville on the way home, drove back & even made bible study!!! As you can see from the time, Rob obviously is out of town!!! S & K plan to come for Thanksgiving so you will get to meet her!!

  2. Can't wait to see a picture of sweet Adeline :) And what a neat thing that Kyra's sister had a baby on the same day and so now cousins will be "twins" fun is that!!! Pretty exciting and congratulations to them! Lucky you would of been with them today on Thanksgiving...hope you'all had a good day :)
