Friday, June 01, 2007

A Few Random Pictures!

Well, I started this a day ago, but I didn't realize that Blogger was going to be "unavailable" until halfway through this thing... So here are a few pictures I've taken of Chloe lately! I'm realizing that my perfect little subject is no longer stationary and so taking her picture requires a little more work these days! :)

After Sunday Morning Meeting
We want to go back to Cabo! (She's wearing a dress that Kyra got for her in Mexico!)

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to put Chloe in 'your' dress at 11 months to see how you guys compare...and see if people think Chloe finally looks like YOU and NOT Nicole!!! Love all the little dresses...the one with the pink Osh Kosh jumper reminds me of when Nicole was little...NOOOO, just kidding:):):) Love, mommazee:):):)
