Monday, March 14, 2011

Sledding in Truckee!

Well, I guess it's been over a month now, but last month we met Mom and Dad in Truckee for a few days! Joe and Dad spent a few days at the sheep show in Reno, so one of those days Mom and I took the kids sledding!!

The kids not wanting their picture taken!!
Eli sampling the dirty slushy snow!!
Ready for a ride!
Okay, Mom stop taking pictures and just go already!!
Chloe ready for her big spin!
Chloe had to go by herself since we could only go two at a time and Mom had to stay with Sammy and I was going with Elijah!
There she goes!!!  It felt really weird and a little scary to just let her go!
Me and Eli stepping into our tubes!!
Shoving off!
Weeee! It was so fun, but Eli was done after once!

Huffing the kids up the hill!!
Getting all situated on the sled...
Eli was much happier sloshing around in the slushy wet snow, so that's what he did the rest of the day!

What a cutie!
And this little guy too!! What a sweetie pie... He just slept and hung out with me or Grammy!
Chloe wanted to go on the intertubes again, so Grammy took her!
And down they go!
Chloe and Grammy back from their tube ride! 
Then Grammy took Chloe sledding on the regular sleds and she stayed at the bottom playing on the snow pile forever... She loves the snow!
This little guy liked pulling the sleds around in the slush!

It was a really beautiful day and we actually got hot since we had piled on the clothes like it was 30 below! We had a great time and the kids loved it each in their own way!!


  1. That looks like so much fun...

  2. That was so much fun! Now, I can hardly wait until we go to Palm Springs & Disneyland in September!! What a great idea, Eve!

  3. What a bunch of cuties! You and grammy too!

    Looks like so fun, wish we could have joined you!

  4. looks like a blast! i feel yah when you say it was really scary to let chloe go... ahh, what a big girl!
