Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Binky, Bubbles, and a Bike

Chloe LOVES bubbles, but she also LOVES her binky... so it's often a toss up!!

She's eying the bubbles

Bubbles win


  1. Hopefully, the binky will be gone b/4 school starts??? Remember what I did with Nicole and Brynna and their bottles? I let them see me throw them in the garbage can on garbage day and then told them to say, "bye-bye to your binkies", and told them to watch the garbage truck drive worked w/o too much trauma!!!

  2. lol- so cute! bubbles always win with aidan=) (the little one i take care of)

  3. This is such a cute post! Our Chloe loved her binky too, but sadly gave them to the checker at Walmart so she could get a new bike with training wheels for her third B-day. It was very traumatic when we got home, but she was fine by the time bedtime came. Your professional pics turned out really good too!
