Monday, April 09, 2007


Previously viewed on"Workin' on a Full House!"But here is "the rest of the story!" We turn our backs for one minute and Juan has decided to have Chloe "hold" Scarlett! Chloe woke up shortly after this picture was taken, luckily she likes her cousin!!! :)
This is Chloe NOT taking a nap!
What big eyes you have my dear!
Chloe checking out her cousin!
What a fun Uncle and Aunt these girls have!!!
Jim was letting Chloe pull out all the tissue from the box and while she was busy doing that he was busy piling more tissue on her head! She was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn't even notice! P.S. He is taking the tissue OUT of her mouth, not putting it in! :)


  1. I can't even tell you how much that picture makes me laugh. Juan's a dangerous guy to have around when there are babies to have fun with !!

  2. Ahhh. Another klenx loving little one. I can hardly keep Abigil out of the box. She discovered TP the other day. YIKES!!!

  3. just wait until you have two little ones and one is unrolling the T.P. and the other is lobbing eggs one by one onto the floor (not hard boiled)...this really happened with Nicole and Brynna but luckily not at the same time, thank goodness!!! Side note: When you are getting ready to go camping, make sure the cooler lid is closed!!! The fun is just beginning!!! Love, grammyzee:)

  4. Just so you know, i forward chloe's picture around my office. shes so cute! ive had more than one person tell me she could be a baby model
