Monday, February 02, 2009

Since I can't go... I guess a trip to the zoo will have to do!
Alyssa called me on Saturday and asked if I was busy, which I wasn't so we packed up our kids and spent a few hours at our local zoo! It was a beautiful day and the kids had so much fun.

Eli just chillin' in the stroller

My goofy girl and her big grin!

This is what she was checking out!


  1. You are too funny, loved the link.Isn't it fun that you can go to the zoo over and over and they are always excited!

  2. HEY!! When did you go to the zoo? Was this just two days ago? We were there a couple Saturdays ago with my two nieces and nephew- just a gorgeous day and no crowds! Quite pleasant! :)

  3. Ill go here with you someday... :)
