Wednesday, August 15, 2007

You like ta-may-toe and I like ta-mah-toe...

which turns out to be a really good thing! After being gone for a week we had a bunch of tomatoes ripe and ready for eating!


  1. Umm... looks good. Can you send some my way.
    Looks like you and I got our little ones to bed and now we blog (read & post). I will have to keep checking back for Hawaii photos as I am ballancing our checking act (the task I got on the computer to do, not read blogs :)). Sending you all hugs! I will try and call you back this week!

  2. I can make a meal out of tomatoes and salt I love them so much! Nothing is better than home grown.

  3. Does this mean you are home?! ;) We have cherry tomatoes growing out of our ears!

  4. MMmmmmm...we just had some local tomatoes from the fruit stand and they were soooo tasty! Don't you just love this time of year?? And Maui -- that's another thing to love! Every time we've been to Hawaii finds us itching to get back there!

  5. Wow - your tomatoes look great! Ours are pathetic since it has been so wet & cool. But we have loads of cucumbers! Glad you had fun in HI.
