Saturday, March 10, 2007

Eight (months) is Great!!!

Chloe is eight months old today, and was looking quite cute and trendy in her pink leggings and pink shoes! Too bad the shoes lasted all of two minutes!! I have to admit, I have a little too much fun dressing her in the morning! These days I couldn't care less what I'm wearing, but I'll spend twenty minutes figuring out Chloe's outfit!!! Ha! Good use of my time, wouldn't you say! These are just some pictures of her playing today. She is so curious about everything! I like to think she's trying to figure out how stuff works, but she's probably just trying to figure out how she can get whatever she's looking at into her mouth! :)
If the shoe fits!


  1. Happy 8 months Cutie Pie! Benjamin loves to look at your pictures. They always make him smile. Have a good week! Andrea & family

  2. YES! Starting the girl out right- gotta have CUTE SHOES! :)

  3. Shoes are so yummy! Happy 8 months.

  4. I love the leggings on her, we are enjoying them too. They are a nice change from tights all winter. She is such a cute bug, I just love the smiles.
