Get ready
for a whole lot of pictures because that is how I am going to catch up
on what we've been doing since April!! Three months of pictures and then
I can put up a whole bunch of pictures of Zachary Edward, the latest
and the greatest in our family!
back to catching up... Both Elijah and Chloe played t-ball this year so
we spent quite a few Saturdays going to their games... Sometimes we
could all go to both, and sometimes we had to split up since their game
times would overlap... Not sure how this works when you have more than
two in a sport... We haven't got there yet!?!
Sam having fun at Eli's T-ball game! |
Uncle Jimmy was the assistant coach so he was helping Eli at the T |
Go Bumblebees!! |
Cousins enjoying otter pops! |
It was still too early for the pool, but the sprinkler was fun on a hot day in April! |
is what happens when your almost 4 year old dresses himself!! Red
shirt, little brothers shorts and his blue dress socks!! Totally proud
of himself! |
Chloe and Scarlett were on the same team, which made it really fun for the girls and the parents too! |
Chloe warming up! |
Nice hit, Chloe! |
Chloe on her way to 1st base! |
Scarlett getting ready for her turn at bat! |
Their cheering squad!! Juliet, Savannah, Sammy, and Elijah!! |
Scarlett, Chloe, and her school friend Keari. |
Chloe looking like she knows what she's doing on first! |
This is the snack Daddy gives out when I'm not around!! Sammy was quite pleased with himself!! |
The first swim of the season!! April 22! |
and I went away for 2 nights for the first time since having kids
(other than going away to have more kids!!) and this was one of the
places we got out and walked around.. We drove from Pacifica to Santa
Cruz and back and had such a great time! We kept finding little beaches
we thought would be perfect for the kids to play!! :) |
bum alert!! Sam and his boots!! I finally had to hide them because they
were the only shoes he wanted to wear and it was just getting too hot
to let him wear them anymore! |
kindergarten performance of the Three Piggy Opera was so much fun to
see!! She was the stick pig and was quite the performer! |
What a sweet little pig! |
Holding her sticks standing by her stick house! |
Showing off her piggy tail! |
Here I am at 30 weeks! |
Luke and Eli were on the same team too! It's so fun having cousins close! |
Mia being a cutie pie at the game! |
So proud of his trophy!! |
Mother's Day 2012! Love this picture of the kids!! |
Me and my kids on Mother's Day! |
Helping Daddy build a new fence for the garden! |
Sammy playing t-ball at home! |
And just like that, Chloe has finished Kindergarten!! |
Her class performing some of the songs they had learned! |
My sweet Sammy boy!! |
And here is the not so sweet version!! |
The one time I tried to take a picture at convention and he was having none of it!! |
At Juliet's 1st birthday party fully enjoying his cupcake! |
Chloe's t-ball coach |
Chloe's team! |
We got to see Lincoln, Westley and Adeline for the weekend!! |
Sweet Adeline!! |
All smiles! |
Elijah turns 4!! |
With the new baby coming we need another room!! |
Steve and Lesa invited us up to Mt. Ranch for a super fun weekend, along with Brendan and Lynnette and their kids! |
The awesome cake Lesa made! |
Those planes are not toys! They are handmade by Lesa! |
Steve helping the kids roast hot dogs! |
Yum! Watermelon! |
It doesn't get much more country than that! |
Joe sittin' on the dock with the boys! |
A cute picture of Steve and Lesa! |
Warren paddled all the kids around on the pond... Eli is helping Chloe out so he can get in and take his turn! |
Sam and Joe |
Eating delicious homemade ice cream! |
Look at those big blue eyes! |
Nonia getting tired! |
hitching a ride in the Kubota |
home... Seems like we just got a new washing machine and then the drier
died too!! So we used the pool fence as a clothesline for quite a
while!! Classy, I know! |
We finally had Elijah's birthday at the end of June!! I can hardly believe that he's 4 now! |
He's into dinosaurs so I made a volcano cake and stuck some of his plastic dinosaurs all over. He loved the exploding volcano! |
Happy Birthday, Elijah!! |
All the cousins at his party! |
On one of our cooler nights we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores! |
Digging in! |
Her crossed legs crack me up! |
and I went and saw Grease, the musical while Daddy watched the boys! It
was so fun and something I love to do! Chloe loved it, and it was so
fun to spend some one on one time with my only girl!! Makes me want to
be sure and do more one on one time with each of my kids!! Not sure how
often that will realistically happen, but I want to try! |
Tamera reading the kids their bedtime story |
4th of July we spend most of the day and Juan and Cari's in their pool and eating a bunch of yummy food! |
all came back to our house for fireworks and more dessert!... The big
kids had all left the table and Sam was making his way through all 4
bowls left of the table!!! |
Yummy! |
Eli fell asleep on the way home from Juan and Cari's and almost missed the fireworks... Eventually he woke up, though! |
Papa and Sam! |
Scarlett and her sparkler |
Juan having fun |
Chloe doing the big one! |
The official firework starters and their helpers! |
Papa and Eli watching the show! |
realized we could see the big show if we got on the roof of the house,
so up everyone went (except for the little ones and the big one (me!!)! |
The last sparklers of the night! |
Such a fun day! |
That same week we had Chloe's birthday party! She chose a Luau theme, which was really fun to do! |
made a Barbie cake, but her skirt was a grass hula skirt! Chloe loved
it and she combed and put the flower in her hair. She also put all the
flowers on her skirt! |
Nana and the birthday girl! |
Cousins eating dinner together |
Blowing out her 6 candles!! |
Chloe was very into the whole Luau theme and wanted all her friends to put on a hula dance for everyone! |
She is actually quite good and looks like she knows what she is doing!! :) |
After the party goofing off with the grass skirt for the table... yep the table! I was that big! :) |
A close up of my belly one week before! |
So ready for this baby to come!! |
My clean-up crew after the party!! |
Next post... The new baby!!!