Friday, November 20, 2009

Cut to Shreds!

One fine day, as I was enjoying my quiet time in the afternoon perusing the many blogs I follow, my mischievous little three year old was in her room quietly cutting her sheets to shreds!!! Chloe always takes a little time going to sleep for her nap, so I don't worry when I hear little noises coming from her room... THIS time I should have worried!

It looks like she was planning her escape from
prison using a bed sheet rope or something...

Needless to say... This mommies quiet time was rudely interrupted!!!

The scissors that I had in her room (up on her dresser and far from her reach... I thought) have been confiscated!!! And in case you are wondering... she had pushed her little chair over to her dresser and climbed up on that to reach the scissors! Quite resourceful!


  1. Oh my word!!! Looks like Chloe was having a grand time!!!

  2. Oh my oh my. I can just picture the little talk afterwards... The same one I had with R after he looked at this post with me! ;)

    Never boring is it!?

  3. maybe she's an insipiring clothing designer. She was just going to make a dress out of her sheets during nap time! That's funny, but I can see how that's scary too!

    Dawn (Davies) Henson

  4. ok not funny for you, but definitely a story for years to come=) & such pretty sheets too!=) aw well, i bet she had a blast, lol!
