Saturday, August 02, 2008

Who's that cutie?

Last night our friends Bob and Lorrie and their new little girl Sophia came over for dinner. Sophia is only two months older than Eli and is a total cutie!!

Look at those big brown eyes!

I wonder what's over there?

I can just see the little thought bubble above Eli's head-
"Wow! Who's that cutie?"

"Maybe if I smile real cute like she'll look my way!"

I can be pretty cute!

Nope, not working... My toes are
w-a-y more interesting than you!

Oh well- at least Mom likes my smile!


  1. Fun to see you tonight! :) You've got a couple of cute kids!

  2. Thank you so much for having us over for dinner:) Food was good. I hope Eli and Sophia will have many many play dates to come. Cloe is a wonderful mannered little cutie. Hope to see you guys soon.

    Bob and Lorie

  3. Looks like it was fun!! Eli certainly looks cute in those pictures-- kinda suave, almost.
